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UX/UI Design

Stitch Up (2023)

For my capstone project, I've created a service that encourages a reusable, circular approach to clothing consumption. This service repurposes old textiles into new garments through upcycling tutorials and donations, and it allows you to create your own garments. The tools provided by the app encourage sustainable practices in efforts to lessen textile waste.

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UX/UI Design


NZ Gong Cha App Redesign (2023) 

After conducting user testing on the NZ Gong Cha app experience, I found that users found it difficult to navigate drinks and lacked flexibility in ordering. These usability issues prohibit users from using the app. My aim for this project was to improve the user interface based on these usability problems. *Not Official design

UX/UI Design

Ako (2022)

 Ako is an app that helps university students with their coursework, incorporating phone sensors to locate available students on campus or online for help and incorporating Maori views on the term 'Ako', which values educational experiences of teaching and learning between peers.

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UX/UI Design

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NZ Drug Foundation Website Redesign (2022)

Working in a group setting for this project, we aimed to update the site with a user-friendly design while retaining the ethos of the NZ Drug Foundation and the importance of providing drug education.

Graphic Design

Bussiness Card Design (2022)

During my free time outside of uni, I was contracted to do a graphic design job. My job was to design business cards for a nutrition business. The client wanted a playful and uplifting tone that aligns with their business values and a design that stands out from other nutrition business cards.


Graphic Design

Heart To Heart (2021)

Heart to Heart is a Mental health campaign that strives to raise awareness about reaching out during difficult times and in times of mental stress. I did this project during the height of the COVID-19 lockdowns, when people were mentally and physically isolated, and it was important to be there for each other in times of uncertainty. The campaign's main goal is to strengthen people's mindset with affirmations and encourage heart-to-heart conversations with loved ones.

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